Hii There, I'm Sarfraz Ashrafi

=> My name isSarfraz Ashrafi.

=> A self taughtprogrammer, reader and write.

=> mastery on building web apps.

=> I mainly work with Typescript/javascript, python and Golang on a daily basis.

=> currently living in beautifull city Noida In Delhi.

I am a full stack web developer

I have been writing code for about 3 years, throughout this beautifull journey I have used so many tools/tech for building web apps such as Nextjs/reactjs for the frontend, javascript/typescript for backend, mongoDB and PostgreSQL as the database, Prisma as ORM, tailwind and shadcn for styling etc...

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My Tech Stack

Reactjs, Nextjs, Tailwind, Javascript, Typescript, Shadcn, Nodejs, Expressjs, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, PrismaORM, WebSocket, Societ.io, Redis, Docker, AWS, kubernetes

Projects which I've built

Contact me
